Watch the creatik team’s favourite Christmas ads.

Get in the Christmas spirit with our pick of the most festive Christmas TV ads. It’ll make you laugh. It’ll make you cry. Make you laugh out load and possibly hit the high notes.

Walkers Crisps Christmas Advert (2019)

Too good not to share. Walkers cashing in on a bit of Mariah magic but keeping it lighthearted and fun for their 2019 Christmas ad. They’ve stripped out the cliched Christmas cues and embraced a bit of British self-deprecating humour which is rare from her.

Allegro (2016)

A touching Christmas ad from Polish online marketplace Allegro. An oldie but a goodie. Theirs is a lovingly told story about the lengths people go to connect with family at Christmas. All thanks to a spot of online shopping.

ALDI - Surfin' Santas (2012)

ALDI were pitch perfect in their 2012 ‘Perfect Aussie Christsmas’ ad. Unmistakably Australian - surf, sun and a surfboard. Memorable for a great jingle and beautiful production. Where can we get a candy cane surfboard anyone?


Dogs Trust’s - A dog is for life, not just for Christmas® (2018)

Keeping it short and sweet, a lighthearted Christmas ad with a serious message.

ASDA Christmas (2019)

ASDA goes all out with their 2019 offering. A quaint tale from the eyes for a young girl and her brother as they spread Christmas across their village. Practically a full length feature in itself. Got us feeling all nostalgic for a white Christmas.

KFC Christmas: Up In Smoke (2019)

KFC had us giggling with their series of short animated TV ads, wishing all the cooks out there good-luck with the Christmas turkey. But don’t worry, KFC have got you if all else fails.

ArticleLouise Thomas